Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Greek life honorary societies


       Did you know that greek life has honor societies? At Bloomsburg, there are two, The order of Omega and Gamma Sigma Alpha. The order of Omega is an honorary society that celebrates the well rounded fraternity and sorority member. The qualities which are recognized: leadership, service and academic achievements. Students may apply once they have competed 60 credits and attained minimum of a 2.8 QPA.Members are selected from the top 3% of students at each institution. To date, over 500 chapters have been chartered throughout North America, each sharing the common goal of recognizing the many outstanding student leaders at their institution. You can always apply for order of Omega on the Bloomsburg greek life website. The other honor society,Gamma Sigma Alpha recognizes academic excellence in the greek community. The requirements are, must have completed 60 credits and attained a minium of a 3.5 GPA. There are over 215 chapters across the country. If you are in greek life and have never heard of these societies, it is a great idea to consider. Not only does it look good on your resume, but it also is a great way to network and meet new people.

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