Monday, October 15, 2012

Greeks participate in Homecoming parade!

     This past Saturday, Bloomsburg's alumni made a trip back to visit their old school for one of the biggest weekends, Homecoming. Every year, there is a homecoming parade. Many people from the town participate, for example, the local football team, police, firefighters, and many more. Bloomsburg's greek life is also welcome to participate. This year, a few organizations came together to participate, as well as the greek alumni.
Greeks setting up for the parade.
      Alpha Sigma Tau, Tri Sigma, Delta Pi, and Beta Sigma Tau all teamed up to make a float. Theta Tau Omega and Kappa Sigma also did. There were a few other greeks that made floats. The theme this year was " superheroes " The organizations that created the floats worked very hard together. On the day of the parade, the greeks came together and walked as one. The alumni of greek organizations also came together and made a float. With the float, they created a quilt with everyones letters on it.
     The parade went well and everyone had fun. " It took a lot of time and effort to create the float, which was hard at times, but it was so much fun and a great bonding experience!" said Kelley Nelson, a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau. This year was the first one in many that greeks participated in the parade. " We want to make it a tradition every year. " said Jeannie Chase, a sister of Alpha Sigma Tau.
     Homecoming 2012 was a lot of fun and a great way to see alumni. The parade made it extra special.
The greek alumni quilt.

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